4 Year Old Preschool Enrolments
Our learning programs in the preschool are guided by the Early Years Learning Framework for Australia.
Hume Preschool has a unique play based learning environment that promotes children's learning and development through experimentation, trial and error, watching, listening and participating. Our programs are designed to improve your child's deveopment in the following key areas:
- Language, literacy and numeracy skills, such as reading stories and counting objects;
- Independence and self-confidence;
- Social skills, such as hot to play with other children in a calm, sharing and rewarding way;
- Self awareness and respect for others;
- Emotional skills, such as understanding their own feelings and those of others;
- A joy for learning and group activities, such as talking, singing, dancing, drawing and making thing together with other hcildren their own age;
- Ability to make new friends;
- Exposure to new ideas and concepts.
The Preschool operates two groups on a two week rotating schedule during the NSW school term. Our groups are called Adventurers and Explorers. The children attend 30 hours a fortnight as laid out below.
Week A
Monday, Tuesday : 9:00am - 3.00pm
Week B
Monday - Wednesday: 9:00am - 3:00pm
Week A
Wednesday - Friday: 9.00am - 3.00pm
Week B
Thursday, Friday: 9:00am - 3:00pm
We are now taking enrolments for the new year. Contact the school office on 02 6025 1850 for further information or to arrange a visit.